Boy Golden - “A Little Space”
SXSW 2023 - OEB Score: 7; Popularity Index: 6
Pairs Well With…The Polyphonic Spree, Deer Tick, Father John Misty
It’s enticing how much Boy Golden leans into the concept of his debut Church of Better Daze, describing himself as a founder, minister, and principal songwriter of his music congregation on his Windows 95 ready website. The religious joy of Boy Golden’s concept here matches the tone of his music, alt-country anthems that beg sing-a-longs while not taking themselves too seriously. Not quite lo-fi, yet not radio ready, Boy Golden finds a nice space that is both comfortable and grooving across Church of Better Daze. Above all, Boy Golden’s music is fun, gritty Southern rock jams peppered with positivity and psych-rock riffs. If there is a better way to heaven than that, I’d like to hear it. (Kevin McStravick)