Ebi Soda - “Pseudocreme”

SXSW 2024 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 6

Pairs Well With…Khurangbin, Sons of Kemet, BADBADNOTGOOD

Ebi Soda are a contemporary jazz band, but they at times have as much to do with complex indie rock than traditional big-band modes. Elements of funk, swing, and hip hop stand out of Ebi Soda’s three records, laid out over chilled out rhythm and bass. The brass take most of the key melodies on the UK outfit’s tracks, often played with emotion and with a little distance to not overpower the groove. And that groove is where it is at, headbop-inducing while layers of synths, horns, and guitars paint in cool, psychedelic swirls. Their latest full-length is 2022’s Honk If You’re Sad, an instrumental trip that is quick to head to outer space and maybe return in one piece. Their live set should both bounce and be an example of artists stretching their respective genre, a good one to catch as they head overseas to SXSW this year. (Kevin McStravick)


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