poolblood - “my little room”

SXSW 2024 - OEB Score: 7; Popularity Index: 2

Pairs Well With…Waxahatchee, Sunny War, Arlo Parks

Quiet and raw, poolblood’s debut full-length mole is impactful within melancholic folk directions. Held up by a voice and an acoustic guitar, poolblood embellishes her music with slight jazz lifts, hints of post-rock ambience, and soft-pop melodies. It’s surprisingly loose sounding given the normally boxed-in genre and poolblood has found a way to create new space on well-worn road. While she tinkers with genre-hopping, more importably is poolblood’s embrace of space on mole, enough that even the smallest detail stands out as purposeful and important. It’s been over a year since mole, so ready for new music in what is hopefully a sophomore excursion in the near future. (Kevin McStravick) 


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