Shaina Shepherd - “Never Be Another You"

SXSW 2022 - OEB Score: 9; Popularity Index: 3

Pairs Well With…Brittany Howard, The Suffers, Seratones

Keeping classic soul and R&B futurism in tight balance, Shaina Shepherd hits her marks with swinging grace on a few introductory singles released so far. The elements of pristine, throwback R&B are all there, anchoring Shepherd’s sound with nostalgic resonance, but look out for the psych-jungle rhythms and spoken-word turns on “Never Be Another You” (a Lee Fields & the Expressions cover), the Afro-pop traditions swirling around experimental, hypnotic “Harambee”, and the classical-piano runs of “The Virus” for examples of her far-reaching, committed sound. Whereas so much of soul music is focused on melody, it’s interesting to hear Shepherd put rhythm as the focal center of her music and an expression that pays off in both subtle and bombastic ways. The Seattle-based artist has embraced the soul-grunge descriptor that her music entails and her balance of punk and pop influences takes her naturally big vocals and finds a new place to play. Shaina Shepherd showcases on Friday night at Sheraton BackYARD with Black Fret following recommended artists Pat Byrne and Primo the Alien. (Kevin McStravick)


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