Youth Sector - “A Definitive Guide to Easy Living”

SXSW 2023 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 5

Pairs Well With…Protomartyr, Fontaines D.C., Yard Act

Urgent and viscerally full, Youth Sector’s music draws from early punk rock roots, but add a serious helping of pop groove to their consistently hitting early singles. Falling somewhere in between shiny arena rock and experimental post-punk, Youth Sector are able to balance a riotous energy with catchy rock hooks. The Brighton, UK band are also rhythm focused, big drum sounds interloping with funk-leaning percussion. With everything in the right place already, they are primed for a boost as they track through SXSW next month. These studio tracks already sound ‘live’ in terms of energy, raw in intention but still sharply produced. It’s some of the tightest ‘art rock’ you can hear, standing Youth Sector out from the many basement bands trying to pull off this level of precision without losing a real punk core. Youth Sector already have two showcases booked in addition a day party at the British Music Embassy, Tuesday night at Seven Grand for Dance To The Radio and Wednesday at Augustine for Good Karma Club. (Kevin McStravick)


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