Altameda - “Wheel of Love”
SXSW 2022 - OEB Score: 7; Popularity Index: 2
Pairs Well With…Dawes, Jason Isbell & 400 Unit, Caamp
Altameda have a couple albums under the belts and the maturity in their songwriting shows on 2021 singles “Wheel of Love” and “Dead Man’s Suit”, a band who knows themselves and honed a rich, alt country sound consistent track to track. Subtle yet full, the Toronto band puts all the notes in the right place, from light steel guitar in a verse to sweet harmonies rounding out their choruses. Emotional and personal, Altameda are the sound of comfort, an antidote to the hectic pace of today and a reminder to embrace beauty when you hear it. The duo’s back catalog has flirted with brighter indie pop and garage rock jams, a nice balance to their more plaintive recent tracks, but nothing hits harder than these two spare and patient guideposts that hopefully also point to what’s next. (Kevin McStravick)