Laney Jones - “Stay at Home”
SXSW 2024 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 4
Pairs Well With…Wilco, Angel Olsen, Sharon Van Etten
Finding a fruitful space between alt country and bedroom rock, Laney Jones’s mood is lonely, but quietly lifting. Taking that spare arena and adding hints of Crazy-Horse feedback, Jones broadens her musical canvas beyond vocals and guitar strumming. Swells ebb and flow throughout what would be small country songs, creating movement and intensity in unexpected ways. That turn is subtle, but it’s what makes Jones’s music impactful - taking a sad song and making it better. That quality songwriting comes from experience as Jones already has five full-lengths in her catalog since debuting over a decade ago. Best news is latest single “Stay at Home” is amongst her best. Going through her past records shows off Jones’s country, bluegrass, and folk leanings, but where she’s landed on 2022’s Stories Up High and tracks beyond is the real sweet spot for either country or rock leaning ears. (Kevin McStravick)