LAUNDRY DAY - “Did You Sleep Last Night?"

SXSW 2022 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 9

Pairs Well With…The 1975, LANY, Bleachers

Bridging the gap between fusion and fun, LAUNDRY DAY’s fourth record We Switched Bodies takes dramatic turns track to track, covering anxious post-punk (“Little Bird”), sunny synth rock (“Connect 5”), ethereal dream pop (“The Knots”) and songs that blend all three like key single “Did You Sleep Last Night?”. While exploring different genres at will, there is a constant of catchy songwriting throughout We Switched Bodies. Tight hooks, both rock and pop oriented, highlight LAUNDRY DAY’s music and as manic as their music can sound at times, the NYC band reels things in pretty masterfully as they constantly keep dynamism top of mind. (Kevin McStravick)

2020 Review: LAUNDRY DAY are true fusion artists, incorporating hip hop, jazz, indie pop, and alt rock into their weirdly catchy sound. The emerging yet prolific quintet builds their songs like segmented works, disparate sections bleeding together like looped experiments of pop music. The NYC artists released their third full-length HOMESICK in 2019 and followed up with the loaded four-song EP LIGHT UP SHOES 2 last fall. The latter opens with drum and bass rhythms in R&B funk blender “CRÈME”, a track that diverts to psychedelic rap territory before tightening with jazz-infused urgency, setting the tone of anything-goes from the jump. 


Le Ren - “May Hard Times Pass Us By”


Larkins - “Are We Having Fun Yet?”