Manny Walters - “No Reason”

SXSW 2023 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 10

Pairs Well With…Gary Clark Jr., Thee Sacred Souls, Devon Gilfillian

There’s an old-school, Motown vibe the emits from Many Walter’s music, classic soul grooves aided by bluesy chording and Walter’s naturally gritted vocal. More reverential than experimental, Walters is keen not to sound just like a throwback artist. He does this by muddying up his overall sound with a little extra reverb crunch. It’s not to the point of a DIY, garage-rock vibe, rather Walters subtly pushes his music while still being very much song focused. While based in South Africa, there’s a distinct R&B influence that draws his sound more to something akin to Southern blues than Afrobeat melodies. Walters closes out Leafy Outlook’s showcase of fellow South African artists Wednesday night at Esther’s Follies. (Kevin McStravick)


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