Pachyman - “Sunset Sound”

SXSW 2022 - OEB Score: 7; Popularity Index: 5

Pairs Well With…King Tubby, Lee “Scratch” Perry, Scientist

Dub reggae can be an evasive niche, often lyric-less and a form based fully on groove, but when done well it hits the feet, soul, and heart. Pachyman’s The Return of…, the LA-based artist’s third full-length, is wholly authentic, bass-led vibes setting a psychedelic plane to fluidly create. Percussion stands out across The Return of…, often just inferring reggae rhythms while organic percussion percolates throughout. While focused on hypnotic repetition, Pachyman flourishes his music with extra atmospherics, drawing in post-rock influences into an otherwise traditional Jamaican sound. (Kevin McStravick)


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