Phony - “Chinatown”

SXSW 2024 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 2

Pairs Well With…The Shins, Pinegrove, Joyce Manor

Phony is the primary outlet of Neil Berthier, member of Donovan Wolfington and current touring member of Joyce Manor, a band that plays in the space between indie and hardcore rock with emotive resonance. Is this heavy? Is this soft? Phony shares an intriguing effort on their latest record Heater that bounces between these two dichotomies and often finds fertile ground in the space between. Power chords seesaw with echoing melodies, quick drum fills with percussion-less phrases. It’s catchy yet just a little distant, hooky but also fuzzy. This balancing act is achieved with top-notch, alt-rock songwriting that isn’t too obvious, but rarely obtuse. There isn’t a moment on Heater feels like wasted space (the record is wrapped up in 21 minutes time), tight yet still engrossing as if a psych-rock opus. While it may sound like Phony is a side-project of other larger acts at first glance, but Heater is a record that stands out on its own and is an under-listened gem with wide appeal. (Kevin McStravick)


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