SPRINTS - “Heavy”

SXSW 2024 - OEB Score: 9; Popularity Index: 6

Pairs Well With…Hinds, Wet Leg, Wolf Alice

2024 kicked off with SPRINTS’ Letter to Self, the Irish band’s debut full-length and a kick of post-punk energy tied together with tight rock-and-roll songwriting. Confident and a willing to get dense even when keeping a quick pace, Letter to Self is pulled in alt-rock and indie-rock directions more so than hardcore modes. Peel back the fuzz and there’s even some power-pop in a song like “Up and Comer” or “Adore Adore Adore”, downright catchy without losing the rawness that makes SPRINTS sound so good. That said, this is an energy record though and through, eleven songs that punch in perfect unison. (Kevin McStravick) 

2022 Review: Energized post-punk built on alt-rock riffs, SPRINTS is a personable burst of music as previewed in the early tracks from the Irish band’s sophomore EP Modern Job. SPRINTS’ music is both serious and electrically infectious, melancholy and upbeat intensity. Jangly indie rock also informs the SPRINTS sound on Modern Job and beyond, percussively performed guitar riffs laying the groundwork for their jamming, garage-rock foundation. 


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