Ali Barter - “Backseat”
SXSW 2020 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 6
Pairs Well With…Alex Lahey, Courtney Barnett, Illuminate Hotties
Recalling 90s grunge-pop as much as indie rock of today, Ali Barter’s music matches her personable songwriting with catchy, power-pop chords and riffs, fun without unnecessary sugar on top. An Australian artist at it since her 2012 EP Trip, Barter sounds increasingly tight, laser-focused on sophomore full-length Hello, I’m Doing My Best. Verse and chorus are mindfully crafted while concurrently making it all sound easy. Barter has a writing style that feels like you’re peeking in on a group of friends’ drama and tribulations, stories of past regrets and knowing futures, instantly relatable while eschewing poetic metaphors for matter-of-fact storytelling. That said, this is guitar rock at its best, not holding back on crunchy licks that match to tone of Barter’s music with a knowing grin. (Kevin McStravick)