Dawn Avenue - “Anhelos”

SXSW 2020 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 6

Pairs Well With…Marrón, Band of Horses, Jungle

Dawn Avenue sounds like a completely different band on record number two Anhelos, most immediately through singing in a completely different language. The Mexican duo are found embracing their roots by lyrically and musically, focusing on lush, natural production rather than some of the indie rock bounce of its predecessor. It’s a really nice balance that makes both ends of Dawn Avenue’s sonic spectrum grow in delicate, detailed ways. (Kevin McStravick)

2019 Review: Laurel Canyon winds engage Dawn Avenue’s debut full-length Jungle, carrying gentle echoes of indie rock and Americana. While easy to pair in the background on a sunny day off, a close listen delivers detailed songwriting and production treats. See the rhythmic-led sections of Jungle’s title track, a borderline dance number the expands even further on follow-up “Girl”. Twisted against alt country twang in “6 o’clock” or album highlight “Gold”, Dawn Avenue can become a hard band to peg. The Mexican duo filter some Latin influences percussively, but closer resemble new-wave synth jams at the core of Dawn Avenue’s pulses.


Devon Gilfillian - “Unchained”


David Ramirez - “Watching From A Distance”