Shards - “Unrest”

SXSW 2020 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 2

Pairs Well With…Nils Frahm, Sigur Ros, Godspeed You! Black Emperor

SXSW always gives the opportunity to hear something completely unique, a space that British composer and choir Shards reside in, a calm meditation on sound and spirit. Built off of minimal synth waves and percussion, Shards’ main melodies come from a dozen voices, an angelic choir presenting an almost timeless quality to their music. In lieu of church organs and harpsichords, Shard’s chorale presentation is haunting and beautiful, a floating quality that sounds otherworldly on debut record Find Sound. There are words to be made out occasionally, but mostly Shards’ voices give off ambient waves of sound, an echoing quality consistent across Find Sound’s ten tracks. The synth and vocal lines are often indistinguishable from one another, creating a soft blend of sound patiently placed across this impressive avant garde debut. What’s really exciting imagining how Shards sounds live - hopefully they book a church gig to have a pin-drop crowd hearing every detail of their complex yet dream-like sound.


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