Thunder Jackson - “How Did You Leave?”
SXSW 2024 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 6
Pairs Well With…Portugal. the Man, Lewis Capaldi, Nathaniel Rateliff
At its core, Thunder Jackson’s music boils down to gentle piano melodies and soulful vocals, pop-centered songs that stretch from emotive ballads to borderline funk. Some psych-pop threads weave into Jackson’s music, more playful than explorative, and broadening his music beyond piano-pop limits. Coming out of Oklahoma, Jackson eschews country/Americana influences and instead leans into pure pop embrace. Following his self-titled debut from 2020, Thunder Jackson has been on a streak of increasingly strong singles. “Take Me Back”, “How Did You Leave?”, and “God in Oklahoma” find Jackson leaning into danceable, electronic R&B, a little more experimental while still keeping his hooky vocal melodies out front. Overall, Thunder Jackson’s sound is warm and accessible, an artist taking a naturally clean vocal tone and finding more distanced space to keep things from begin too sugary. Check out Thunder Jackson on Thursday night at Lefty’s Brick Bar alongside recommended artists Slow Fiction and Alice Ivy. (Kevin McStravick)