The School - “Put Your Hand In Mine”

SXSW 2022 - OEB Score: 8; Popularity Index: 6

Pairs Well With…Belle & Sebastian, The Shins, She & Him

It’s been seven years since The School’s last full-length Wasting Away and Wondering and that could make their SXSW 2022 appearance that much more intriguing to hear how their catalog has continued to mature. The Welsh seven-piece add rock and orchestral instrumentation to their dreamy, soft-pop base, creating a sound full and lush in a space that would normally feel minimal and mild. There’s sweetness in The School’s vocals and instrumental melodies, a welcoming sound that takes advantage of the band’s collective, yet precise, spirit. (Kevin McStravick)

2020 Review: A decade into their career, Welsh indie rock/pop band The School have perfected their warm and welcoming sound across three full-lengths and a smattering of EPs and singles. Classic pop forms weave their way into The School’s music, especially 60s girl group melodies and harmonies, but they add a sweet, contemporary haze over their sound to not mistake this for outright throwback pop. The result is both catchy and ultra-comfortable, charming and smooth. Rarely moving over a mid-tempo pulse, The School keep a light atmosphere in their remarkably consistent sound, but extra layers of instrumentation (seven-plus members make up the band’s touring and recording unit) ensuring it’s a full approach expertly blended together as one, cohesive unit. 


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